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Get Rid of Wasps in Attic

get rid of wasps in attics
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    Have you recently discovered a nest of wasps in your attic and don’t know what to do? There are a number of methods that you can use if you’re trying to figure out how to get rid of wasps in your attic. In no time, you’ll be free of that annoying buzzing sound and the potential for getting stung.

    Why are Wasps in Your Attic?

    Wasps are very good at finding small gaps or holes in your home. They want to find a safe place to build their nest, and your attic is the perfect spot. It’s likely that there isn’t a lot of traffic up there, but they can be out of the elements.

    The best thing you can do is to prevent wasps from getting your attic. Head up there during the daytime to look for areas where sunlight is coming through. This could be part of your roof or even around windows. Seal these spots up to keep unwanted pests out.

    Wasp Traps

    here are a number of different wasp traps that you can use inside of your home, even if you have children and pets present. If you’re trying to stay away from harmful chemicals, try a solar wasp catcher. A solar-charged light will attract the wasps by way of heat and light. Once they go into the trap, they won’t be able to exit. Replace the trap as needed.

    Using a Shop Vac with Soapy Water

    Once you find the areas where these wasps are hanging out, it’s time to equip yourself so you can remove them. If you have a wet / dry shop vac handy, fill it up with soapy water. When you suck up the wasps using the attached hose, they will become trapped in the soapy water. Use this method to get rid of as many as you can without irritating them.

    You can also use the soapy water method in a spray bottle. If you’re not dealing with a whole hive of wasps at once, spray soapy water on them. The wasps will not be able to fly any longer with the soap on their wings. This gives you an opportunity to remove them without them flying around at you.

    Peppermint Oil

    Wasps can’t stand the smell of peppermint oil. Figure out where the wasps are coming in, and liberally apply peppermint oil to this area. Peppermint oil doesn’t last for very long, so you can expect to reapply the essential oil every few days until the problem is taken care of.

    Sugar and Water

    Constructing a simple trap out of a two-liter soda bottle can take care of wasps while you’re downstairs in a safe location. Cut the top portion of the bottle off.

    Flip that top portion upside-down and tape the two pieces together. Fill up the bottle with equal parts sugar, water and vinegar. Wasps will fly in and become trapped.

    If you’re dealing with a serious wasp problem that you can’t get under control, it’s a good idea to call in a professional for help. A few wasps are generally pretty easy to take care of yourself. You don’t want to deal with a large swarm of angry wasps if the problem is too big for you to handle.

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