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Get Rid of Wasps in House

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    Wasps may be an insect that you’re very afraid of, and rightfully so. They’re definitely not a creature we want around when we’re outside, so it’s incredibly stressful when we find that there are signs of wasps in your home. One random wasp making their way inside when a door or window is open is one thing. Having multiple wasps in the home can be a dangerous situation.

    How do Wasps Get in the House?

    Make sure that you check every possible point of entry to your home. The most common places for wasps to make nests and get inside include the eaves of your house, around the beams of your garage or porch and through a vent to your attic. Wasps are pretty resourceful. If they want to find their way inside, they’ll accomplish their goal.

    You can also look around your property for signs of wasps. A nest in your nearby trees or bushes will make it more likely that they’ll try to come into the home. Wherever their nest may be, it’s generally out in the open. You shouldn’t have too hard of a time finding it.

    How to Safely Get Rid of Wasps in Your Home

    It’s important that you come up with a plan before you tackle a wasp problem. After all, you don’t want to get stung by one or multiple wasps. Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times during an attack.

    Spend a little time looking for the nest. If it’s outside, seal up the areas where you think the wasps are coming inside. Wait until dusk to tackle the nest. This is when activity at the nest will be busiest.

    While you’ll have more angry wasps to deal with, this provides you with the opportunity to kill more at once. You can use essential oil mixtures with peppermint and lemon in them to repel the wasps from the inside of your home. These oils are safe to have in your indoor air, unlike many strong wasp sprays that you buy at the store.

    Wear clothing that covers your entire body and face to protect yourself from getting stung. If you’re outdoors, you can use a spray that’s a little stronger and has chemicals in it. Anything that will make its way into your home should be safe for humans and pets. Thoroughly saturate the nest with the spray.

    Expect some of the wasps that were inside and around the area to get angry. Make sure you have an exit plan if they start to attack you. You may have to come back the next couple of nights to re-spray the nest. This will ensure you’re getting them all.

    If you’ve conquered your fear of getting stung and have attempted to take care of a wasp problem in your home, you may have been able to eradicate them.

    If you’re still finding them around the house after using traps and other household wasp remedies, make sure you think about when to call a professional in order to keep your family safe.

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