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DIY Wasp Nest Removal

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    Hiring a professional to come out to your home and remove a wasp nest can be expensive. If you’re trying to save some money and are brave enough, you may be thinking about how to safely remove a wasp nest on your own.

    This isn’t something you should do without a little research and planning. There are a number of pests that create nests. You’ll want to make sure that you know how to identify a wasp nest before you begin.

    Tips for Getting Rid of a Wasp Nest

    Before you begin, make sure that you’re protecting yourself and others. You’ll want to cover your body with clothing that wasps can’t get into. You should also make sure that nobody else is around the area. When you start the process, there could be some wasps that are looking to attack. If you know that you’re allergic to wasp stings, it’s probably not a good idea to take this job on yourself.

    When to Take Care of Wasps

    The best time of year to tackle a wasp nest is early in the season. This is when the nest is less established. The worker wasps are just starting to build their nest and protect the queen. By the end of summer, their colony is quite established. You’ll be dealing with a lot more wasps at this point. Also, the evening hours are the best time to tackle this project. Wasps tend to be a lot more subdued in the evening than they are during the day.

    Figure Out an Escape Route

    Your safety really depends on the reaction of the wasps and how quickly you move. Just in case, make sure that you have somewhere safe you can run to if things go awry. Have a nearby door unlocked and items out of your way.

    Apply Products

    There are two types of products that you can choose from to destroy a wasp nest. Aerosol sprays are effective for nests that are hanging in the air. You should apply the product as directed. Dust products are effective if you have a wasp nest in the ground. The powder will be able to get to the center of the nest more effectively. Whichever product you choose, leave it in place for 24-hours. When you come back the next day, observe the nest to see if there’s still a lot of activity. You may need to reapply.


    Cleaning Up

    Pesticides are generally very toxic. You’ll want to come back the next day to clean up any residual product. You should also clean up any dead wasps in the area. They could be very toxic if a pet or child were to come in contact with them.

    Even with some research and planning, don’t feel like you have to take this job on yourself. You should know when to hire a professional. If the size of the nest is too much for you to take on or the wasps seem too angry for you to safely handle, it might be time to bring in the pros. If the nest is far away from your home and not a danger to anyone, you might consider leaving the nest alone for now.

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