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Wasp Repellent: Keep Wasps Away

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    Have you been hearing a buzzing sound somewhere around your home or property? Do you suspect that you have a wasp problem? If so, there are some pretty simple methods you can use to tackle a wasp problem on your own. Let’s talk a bit more about some common signs of wasps, as well as how to repel wasps.

    What Attracts Wasps?

    In the winter you’re not going to see a lot of wasp activity. This is the point in the year when they slow down their activity. In the summer months, wasps are very much attracted to bright colors and warmth.

    If the cold nights or change of seasons are motivating them to find a place to live, they may turn to some spots around your home that would provide a great place to safely live.

    Are Wasps Dangerous?

    Wasps have the ability to sting a human just as a bee would. Generally, a wasp will only sting when they feel threatened or scared. A wasp can be very dangerous if you’re allergic to them. You’ll want to avoid them at all costs in this scenario.

    If you’re trying to remove their nest yourself, it’s a good idea that you take appropriate steps to protect yourself from getting stung.

    Natural Wasp Repellent

    If you want to stay away from harmful chemicals, there are natural products that you can use to get rid of wasps. You can also make your own products that will function as a wasp repellent. Many of them only have one ingredient.


    Wasps can’t stand the fresh smell of mint. Whether you situate some mint plants around your outdoor patio or you use an essential oil throughout your home, this is a great way to keep that buzzing at bay.

    Baby Powder

    You can wear baby powder on your body to repel wasps from coming around you, but you can also sprinkle some baby powder around areas of your home where you see wasp activity. It’s also a really affordable product to invest in.


    If you have a garden outside or want a few pots on your patio, cucumber is a natural wasp repellent. There is a very bitter chemical in cucumbers that is called cucurbitacins. All it takes is the cucumber plant growing in a certain area or a cut-up cucumber to get those wasps packing.

    Bay Leaves

    You probably have some bay leaves in your pantry. Since bay leaves contain eugenol, you can scatter them around your home as a wasp deterrent. You may have to replace the leaves often to keep their scent strong.

    Don’t feel like you have to turn to harmful chemical products in order to get rid of wasps. If you take some time to figure out where they’re getting in, this can provide you with another method of keeping them away.

    Seal up all those cracks and gaps that are allowing wasps to make a home in your attic, home, shed or yard.

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