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Termite Repellent

termite repellent
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    Are you sensitive to common household chemicals, pesticides or other bug-repellent products? This is an issue that many people face. You can be in quite a predicament if you find yourself with a termite or bug problem. If you’re trying to come up with a termite repellent that will be effective but safe, there are plenty of options.

    Prevention is Key

    Before you are faced with how to get rid of termites, you should attempt to prevent an infestation. Even when a building is being constructed, there are types of wood that will naturally repel termites. Cedar is one of these lumbers.

    It’s also really important to minimize any kind of water accumulation. The subterranean version of the termite will burrow into mud and moisture to create their colonies. Moisture is needed for them to consume the cellulose inside of the wood.

    Diatomaceous Earth

    You can control termites and many other bugs with diatomaceous earth. It can even be mixed together with paint or water to provide a natural barrier for termites. The powder itself can be sprinkled in the corners and crevices of your basement or attic.

    Just be cautious if you have pets or small children in the home. Diatomaceous earth is safe, but you don’t want anyone to consume it in large quantities.


    Similar to boric acid in its composition, you can use prethrum as a powder or a liquid. The powder can be sprinkled in areas where the termites would be forced to trek through it. This would reach many of the termites at once. The liquid form can be applied to the area or on wood surfaces.

    Orange Oil

    Orange oil is a fantastic termite repellent because it will last for long periods of time without wearing off. You can use it annually in your basement or attic to keep termites away. It can even be mixed with boric acid to increase its potency.

    The smell repels the termites, but moving through the mixture and taking it back to the colony can kill off other termites. The best part is, orange oil is extremely affordable. It’s also very safe to use in the home. Most people don’t have any kind of negative reaction to this oil.

    Removing Infected Wood

    If you’ve found wood that has been affected by termites, you can remove the wood. There could be eggs or termites in this material. Replacing the material with new lumber that is more resistant to termite habitation will help protect the area in the future. Just be sure to properly dispose of the affected lumber. You don’t want to release termites in other areas of the home if you’re moving it from place to place.

    Don’t forget to use a variety of prevention methods while you’re in the process of removing the termites. If you’ve encountered these unwanted pests once, it’s possible for you to experience them again whether it be next month or years from now.

    Don’t be discouraged by the chemical products that are on the market. There are natural options that will ensure you stay healthy and safe while removing termites from your property.




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