How to Get Rid of Bees in Bushes

Bees play a vital role in the circle of life, but they can be quite a pain when they’re in your bushes. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of them. But which ways work best and won’t kill them? Let’s discuss!
Why Are Bees in Your Bushes?
Bees are attracted to the sweet nectar of flowers. Therefore, the bees are there to get that nourishment if you have a flowering bush. The pollen consists of carbohydrates, which they need for energy. In addition, bees may receive phosphate and potassium, among other minerals, from the nectar.
While bees obtain what they need from flowers, they also give back to the blossoms. Pollen sticks to them, and they transfer it from one plant to another. As a result, the bee is a pollinator and plays a role in flowers’ reproductive cycle.
Additionally, bees also make nests in bushes. These provide enough coverage to keep the bees safe. Their nests can easily blend in with their surroundings, keeping them from getting exposed to potential threats.
What Type of Bees Nest in Bushes?
Although bees will make nests in bushes, only certain ones will.
Bumble bees — the ones with the rounded bodies and stripes — are notorious for nesting in bushes surrounded by flowers.
While a Bumble bee can sting, it usually only will if it feels threatened. And we should note that these bees aren’t dangerous to the tree.
Honeybees are skinnier than bumblebees. They tend to be about a half-inch long and have brown stripes. They’ll also nest in bushes.
How Do You Repel Bees From Bushes?
Since certain bee species are endangered and serve a purpose, it’s best to prevent them rather than kill off an infestation.
If you don’t currently have a bees’ nest in a bush and would like to prevent it, consider planting cucumber plants. The acidity of the rind is unappealing to bees and will keep them away. Plus, you’ll have fresh vegetables for a salad.
Many people enjoy basil in their spaghetti sauce and for various other purposes, but bees aren’t partial to this herb. The strong fragrance of basil repulses bees and will keep them at bay.
Be certain to plant these in space that gets direct sunlight for most of the day. If you don’t want to plant any basil, think about using an essential oil spray, but remember that you’ll have to reapply it frequently.
Aphids, snails, slugs, and spider mites are the most common insects you’ll find feasting on a marigold. Most animals don’t like the smell, and that includes bees. Be certain to plant these in a place where they get direct sunlight for at least six hours per day.
You might enjoy fresh mint in your tea, or perhaps you’ll research a few recipes that call for it. Either way, planting it in your yard can help keep bees away because they don’t like the strong scent. We should also note that many other unwanted pests don’t particularly care for mint.
How Do You Get Rid of Bees in a Bush Without Killing Them?
Some bees are endangered, meaning we’re at risk of losing them. And without bees, a lot of fruits and flowers will go unpollinated. For these reasons, you may not want to kill them so much as remove them from your bush. Fortunately, that’s possible.
Try sprinkling cinnamon around the bee hive each day. Do so for about a week. The bees don’t particularly like the pungent aroma of cinnamon and will relocate on their own when you place it near their nest.
Bitter Almond Oil
Another smell that bees don’t like is bitter almond oil. You spray this around the nest a few times, and the bees will vacate the area.
Vinegar Spray Solution
If you use vinegar to clean due to its disinfectant properties, you already know what a strong odor it has. Humans aren’t the only ones who find the scent overwhelming. Bees do as well. Therefore, spray a vinegar and water solution around the nest for a few weeks, and watch the bees rehome themselves.
Baby Powder
Sprinkle an organic baby powder around the area. Bees find its aroma overpowering and will steer clear of your yard. Make sure you opt for an organic version, though, so you’re using something naturally found in the environment.
If you’re struggling with a bee or wasp problem in your bush, use a natural remedy to encourage them to leave the area. If you don’t have a bee problem, you may use certain solutions and plants as repellents.